Humanitarian Projects

Humanitarian Projects

Jumpstart Healthy Food Production

Our current food system has enormous effect on our planetary and human health, and we are well outside the boundaries of sustainability. To make matters worse, our global food system is being rocked by war, pandemic-related supply chain disruptions, droughts, and skyrocketing fertilizer and diesel prices, leaving farmers searching for solutions and millions at the risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Farm from a Box provides a drop-in solution that can be quickly deployed as preemptive humanitarian support for increasing local food production, decreasing import reliance, and rebuild livelihoods and dignity after a crisis.

Empowering Women and Girls

Farm from a Box works to remove the technological, financial, and educational barriers women and girls face so they can participate fully in the market, gain technological literacy, and open opportunities for advancement.

Opportunities for Youth

With modern technology, we can reignite youth's interest in farming as a vocation, help curb the urban flight, and work to fortify rural economies. Our system helps develop skills in STEM, business, energy, and agriculture.

Building Resilience

Small-scale farmers are often left without the resources needed to adapt to a rapidly changing climate. Farm from a Box helps build resilience to environmental and economic shocks with the infrastructural support for reliable, high quality production.

Recovery At Scale

Our turnkey infrastructure can be rapidly deployed to support recovery efforts that build self-sufficiency, stability, social cohesion, and economic opportunities while working to reestablish food production after a natural disaster or conflict.

Empowering Women and Girls

Farm from a Box works to remove the technological, financial, and educational barriers women and girls face so they can participate fully in the market, gain technological literacy, and open opportunities for advancement.

Opportunities for Youth

With modern technology, we can reignite youth's interest in farming as a vocation, help curb the urban flight, and work to fortify rural economies. Our system helps develop skills in STEM, business, energy, and agriculture.

Building Resilience

Small-scale farmers are often left without the resources needed to adapt to a rapidly changing climate. Farm from a Box helps build resilience to environmental and economic shocks with the infrastructural support for reliable, high quality production.

Recovery At Scale

Quickly establishing and scaling sustainable food production after a natural disaster or conflict, our turnkey infrastructure can be rapidly deployed to support recovery efforts that build self-sufficiency, stability, social cohesion, and economic opportunities.

Use Case: Ushirikiano Cooperative

Use Case:

Ushirikiano Cooperative

Use Case: Ushirikiano Cooperative

Kalimungoma Ushirikiano Farmers Cooperative

Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Kigoma, TZ

In partnership with the World Food Programme, we launched this project with four main goals: to improve nutrition, dietary diversity, income level, and knowledge of modern farming technology. Farmers were provided with training in regenerative and organic farming practices, technology use and maintenance, and business management.

Once training was completed, the “Kalimungoma Ushirikiano Farmers' Cooperative” was established. This women-led cooperative is now owned by a collective of 80 farmers that manage a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), which provides them with new ways to save and access credit. The VSLA is self-governed by the cooperative through a digitized platform created by CARE International.

Located in the host community of the Nyagaruso refugee camp, in Kalimungoma, Tanzania, this farm was named “Ushirikiano” by the community, which is Swahili for “the spirit of togetherness.”

Kalimungoma Ushirikiano
Farmers' Cooperative

Nyarugusu Refugee Camp,
Kigoma, TZ

In partnership with the World Food Programme, we launched this project with four main goals: to improve nutrition, dietary diversity, income level, and knowledge of modern farming technology. Farmers were provided with training in regenerative and organic farming practices, technology use and maintenance, and business management.

Once training was completed, the “Kalimungoma Ushirikiano Farmers' Cooperative” was established. This women-led cooperative is now owned by a collective of 80 farmers that manage a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), which provides them with new ways to save and access credit. The VSLA is self-governed by the cooperative through a digitized platform created by CARE International.

Located in the host community of the Nyagaruso refugee camp, in Kalimungoma, Tanzania, this farm was named “Ushirikiano” by the community, which is Swahili for “the spirit of togetherness.”

Kalimungoma Ushirikiano Farmers Cooperative

Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Kigoma, TZ

In partnership with the World Food Programme, we launched this project with four main goals: to improve nutrition, dietary diversity, income level, and knowledge of modern farming technology. Farmers were provided with training in regenerative and organic farming practices, technology use and maintenance, and business management.

Once training was completed, the “Kalimungoma Ushirikiano Farmers' Cooperative” was established. This women-led cooperative is now owned by a collective of 80 farmers that manage a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), which provides them with new ways to save and access credit. The VSLA is self-governed by the cooperative through a digitized platform created by CARE International.

Located in the host community of the Nyagaruso refugee camp, in Kalimungoma, Tanzania, this farm was named “Ushirikiano” by the community, which is Swahili for “the spirit of togetherness.”

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